Some of you may remember an older song. I am not sure the name of it. But, part of the chorus says " Long and winding road." Yeah, I know you need more than that. But,
that's all I know. Aunt Neesie you'll remember this one!
Well, I made my own version. Ready? It says.... " Long and winding roads never end!!!!" That's as far as I got. You are wondering what in the world does this have to do with anything? Well, give me a minute and I'll try explain. LOL
WE ARE DONE WITH DEP!!!! I thought about crying at the last service. But, I just couldn't find any tears. I know! I know! Pitiful! Being done means we have to go to Missouri. Which means we had a 26 hour drive from New Brunswick to Missouri. Which now leads to the song. Yesterday we did the bulk of the driving, 19 hrs worth. So, you now know what the song is about!
We thought we would never get here. We went from Woodstock, NB to Columbus, OH. We got up at 5:00 on Sunday morning and didn't get to Columbus till 12:30 AM. I thought we were never going to get there.
Needless to say we finally made it and we all crashed into the bed. Today we only had a 7 hr drive the rest of the way! We finally made it!!!! YAY!!!
NOTE: Please excuse our messy car. This is what it looks like when 5 people live in a car for a year and a half! LOL
Love you all,
Just plain fun!!!
We are here in Woodstock, New Brunswick! We have a Mission Conference with the Sully's. They are awesome people! They are so funny!!! We had a great service tonight! We gathered at their house afterwards for fellowship! I have posted a slide show of all the fun that went on!!! We are having a great time!!!!
It's only 1 more service until we are officially DONE with DEP!!! I can hardly wait!
Love Ya,
Ok tell on me time......
I always blog about everyone else. So, today I will let them get even. I am going to blog about my embarrassing moment in History!!!! ( OK there are usually about 1000 times a day I do something embarrassing! Like fall off the platform at church. In front of everyone. Or, squirt coffee creamer all over the pastors wife. But, SHHHHHH don't tell. Let everyone think I am graceful like my name means! )
We were getting ready to walk out the door. So, I was drinking a coke. Well, Mom was trying to ask dad if he had is glasses on. But, she couldn't think of the word. So, She looks at him and says "Honey do you have your flashlights on?" That's the only word she could think of. So you can probably guess what happened. I burst out laughing after just having taken a drink of coke. Well, I GRACEFULLY spit it all over mom. Not on purpose. But, if you haven't figured it out..........You can't have liquid in your mouth and laugh at the same time! It just don't work!!!! ( Yes, I am well aware of the wording in that sentence! That's my best Louisianian accent!!! Thank you Thank you. LOL ) So if you didn't know before, now you know. You can't take a drink and laugh at that same time! Sorry!!!
Hope this brought a laugh to your day!!!
Love Ya,
We were getting ready to walk out the door. So, I was drinking a coke. Well, Mom was trying to ask dad if he had is glasses on. But, she couldn't think of the word. So, She looks at him and says "Honey do you have your flashlights on?" That's the only word she could think of. So you can probably guess what happened. I burst out laughing after just having taken a drink of coke. Well, I GRACEFULLY spit it all over mom. Not on purpose. But, if you haven't figured it out..........You can't have liquid in your mouth and laugh at the same time! It just don't work!!!! ( Yes, I am well aware of the wording in that sentence! That's my best Louisianian accent!!! Thank you Thank you. LOL ) So if you didn't know before, now you know. You can't take a drink and laugh at that same time! Sorry!!!
Hope this brought a laugh to your day!!!
Love Ya,
Hello, Hello!!!! Anyone there???
All I have to say is.......................If you stop by then leave your reply!
That's just a PAIN IN THE NECK!!!!
Ok so, most of you may remember a couple of months ago my Dad had a slipped disk in his neck. If you saw him you know how he had to keep his head to the side. It was funny for all those who missed it!
Well this morning I was half asleep and my neck started hurting. I get this often and just roll my head around and it usually gets better. Well today I rolled my head around and thought I was going to pass out. It hurt soooo bad!!!!! So, after 5 mins of struggling to sit up. ( You try to get up from a laying position with a hurt neck and see how long it takes you! LOL ) I finally sat up and tried to move my head. OH MY WORD!!!! The pain. So I moan and dad looks at me and evidently realizes the problem. I have a crick in my neck. So, today I have been walking around with my head to the side. So, since we picked on him the whole time he had a pain in his neck. He nick named me "CAPTAIN CRICK."
So, now I have a couple of days to work out this stupid crick and get the pain out of my neck! Hope this story brightened your day. Ok maybe not but anyways.LOL
Love Ya,
Well this morning I was half asleep and my neck started hurting. I get this often and just roll my head around and it usually gets better. Well today I rolled my head around and thought I was going to pass out. It hurt soooo bad!!!!! So, after 5 mins of struggling to sit up. ( You try to get up from a laying position with a hurt neck and see how long it takes you! LOL ) I finally sat up and tried to move my head. OH MY WORD!!!! The pain. So I moan and dad looks at me and evidently realizes the problem. I have a crick in my neck. So, today I have been walking around with my head to the side. So, since we picked on him the whole time he had a pain in his neck. He nick named me "CAPTAIN CRICK."
So, now I have a couple of days to work out this stupid crick and get the pain out of my neck! Hope this story brightened your day. Ok maybe not but anyways.LOL
Love Ya,
Inside Edition: My Life On DEP!
Ok so, I decided that I would write a blog. Not knowing what to write about I have decided to tell you the truth about MY life on DEP. So this is the one and only inside edition scoop on " my life on dep. " ( Can't you just hear the music in the background? )LOL
Ok so here it goes. I have had soooo much fun seeing all the sites that we have been so BLESSED to see. Sights that if you were not on DEP you might not see. It has been amazing! But, theres also the down side. Ok on Sundays I am not as tired as my parents are. Why because, I don't do as much. I am not my Mom trying her best and doing a great job of telling this amazing story. I am not my Dad preaching my guts out trying to give the message that God has laid on his heart. He does such an awesome job! He is sooooo anointed they both are!
On long drives I am not as exhausted as they are. Why because I get to sleep the whole way to wherever we are going! I don't have to keep the car in my lane. I don't have to watch the gas. I don't have to make sure that the GPS is taking us the right way.
I am not as phone weary as my dad is. Why because, I don't have a million and 1 people to call. I don't have to make arrangements. I don't have to figure out what to do next!
I am not sick of doing paper work as is my Mom. Why because, I don't have a ton of paper work to deal with.
Ok what happened this blog was supposed to be about my life on DEP. How did it get turned around? It got turned around because I have the 2 best parents in the WORLD! So, what I should have named this blog.........Inside Edition: My Parents Life On DEP!
And to think they do all this stuff and still manage to keep going! WOW! How amazing!
I love them. And if you can't tell this blog is a standing ovation to my Mom and Dad! I would clap but, it would prob wake everyone up. Just know that I am clapping in my head.
So, you see theres no down side to my life! It has been great!
Thanks Mom and Dad for all you guys do!!! We love you!
Love you Mom and Dad,
Ok so here it goes. I have had soooo much fun seeing all the sites that we have been so BLESSED to see. Sights that if you were not on DEP you might not see. It has been amazing! But, theres also the down side. Ok on Sundays I am not as tired as my parents are. Why because, I don't do as much. I am not my Mom trying her best and doing a great job of telling this amazing story. I am not my Dad preaching my guts out trying to give the message that God has laid on his heart. He does such an awesome job! He is sooooo anointed they both are!
On long drives I am not as exhausted as they are. Why because I get to sleep the whole way to wherever we are going! I don't have to keep the car in my lane. I don't have to watch the gas. I don't have to make sure that the GPS is taking us the right way.
I am not as phone weary as my dad is. Why because, I don't have a million and 1 people to call. I don't have to make arrangements. I don't have to figure out what to do next!
I am not sick of doing paper work as is my Mom. Why because, I don't have a ton of paper work to deal with.
Ok what happened this blog was supposed to be about my life on DEP. How did it get turned around? It got turned around because I have the 2 best parents in the WORLD! So, what I should have named this blog.........Inside Edition: My Parents Life On DEP!
And to think they do all this stuff and still manage to keep going! WOW! How amazing!
I love them. And if you can't tell this blog is a standing ovation to my Mom and Dad! I would clap but, it would prob wake everyone up. Just know that I am clapping in my head.
So, you see theres no down side to my life! It has been great!
Thanks Mom and Dad for all you guys do!!! We love you!
Love you Mom and Dad,
We are in Canada. It's chilly here. I can where a long sleeve shirt and a jacket at the same time and not burn slap up.lol The leaves are starting to change. The beautiful oranges, reds, greens, and browns ring out to God's majesty!
We only have a week left tomorrow before DEP is officially over. Yes, we have 1 more preaching point to stop at. I am so excited!!!
Ummm??? Hmmm??? Okay I have nothing else to say sooooo. I will leave you guys with that for tonight.
Love you all,
We only have a week left tomorrow before DEP is officially over. Yes, we have 1 more preaching point to stop at. I am so excited!!!
Ummm??? Hmmm??? Okay I have nothing else to say sooooo. I will leave you guys with that for tonight.
Love you all,
The Sock Theory???
OK so, it's 1:30 am here. Maybe that's why I had this crazy thought and decided to blog about it. Whatever the reason, Please Forgive Me for my silliness!LOL
So just a few moments ago I was cold. So, I got a pair of socks out of my bag. They had a hole in them. So, here comes the thought. Okay get ready this is a shocker. I really don't care if my socks have a hole in them. I just want them to do what they were designed to do! Keep my feet warm!
So, I am really going to try to make this make some sense cause it's kinda stupid.
Maybe that's the way God looks at us. He doesn't care if we have some wear n' tear scares. He just wants us to do what he made us to do. That's serve him.
I know I know, i'm getting really deep!LOL
So, I will go to bed now. I think I need to that's why I had to post such silliness.
Love Ya,
P.S. The spiritual stuff wasn't intended it just sorta came to me! LOL
So just a few moments ago I was cold. So, I got a pair of socks out of my bag. They had a hole in them. So, here comes the thought. Okay get ready this is a shocker. I really don't care if my socks have a hole in them. I just want them to do what they were designed to do! Keep my feet warm!
So, I am really going to try to make this make some sense cause it's kinda stupid.
Maybe that's the way God looks at us. He doesn't care if we have some wear n' tear scares. He just wants us to do what he made us to do. That's serve him.
I know I know, i'm getting really deep!LOL
So, I will go to bed now. I think I need to that's why I had to post such silliness.
Love Ya,
P.S. The spiritual stuff wasn't intended it just sorta came to me! LOL
Canada sighted!!

Ok I have been on quite a few "long" drives in my time. But, this trip to New Brunswick, Canada has seemed very LONG.LOL It was only 15 hours. Not near as long as our treck from Nebraska to California. ( We only had 2 days to make it. And, we had a service the 2nd day! Ok so we didn't make the service. But, we drove a long time.)
Today we spotted the Canadian border. You began to think ok we passed the border we're there right!!!!! Wrong we still had 2 hours to go. But, needless to say we made it. The place we are staying is gorgeous!!!
So, thus the name for the blog. Canada is sighted by the Benson's.LOL
I just wanted to let everyone know that my Aunt Kim who was pregnant and on bed rested, had her baby. She's a beautiful sweet little baby girl named Laci Lynette.
I have posted a picture of her. They thought that there was going to be complications. They had a bunch of people in the room ready for whatever. But, people started praying. And, their was no complications at all!!! Praise the Lord.
Please continue to pray for my Aunt Theresa who has cancer. That's my next praise report by faith!!!
Ok I just have to say this. My dad was just on the phone with a pastor and he says. ( Thank you brother for the room. It's beautiful......I guess we will come to the service tonight.) Keep in mind we are scheduled at this church tonight.LOLOLOL hahahaha Poor guy he really didn't mean it the way it came out.
Love Ya, Hannah
No Subject...
Hello Everyone!
Hope you had a great week! We are in West Virgina. We will head to Pennsylvania tomorrow. YAY!!! I am so excited! If you do not know Pennsylvania houses one of the largest Amish communities in the USA. It is not the largest though. I think the largest happens to be in Ohio. I could be wrong though.
We will be in Pennsylvania for a week then we head to New Brunswick, Canada. We only have about 4 weeks of DEP left. I just can't believe it. The Lord has certainly blessed us with a good deputation.
While we are in Pennsylvania it is a good possibility that we will not have Internet service. So, I may not be able to post for a while. But, rest assured that if we do not have Internet, when we get it, I will certainly post pics of the Amish!
I hope you all continue to have a great week!!! Please be in prayer for my Aunt Kim. She is due to have her baby soon and she is on strict bed rest. As, most of you know they got a lot of Gustav. They are still trying to recover from this. Also, be in prayer for my Aunt Theresa. She has cancer and needs a miracle from God. WE KNOW HE CAN PERFORM! And please be in prayer for this last leg of DEP. Pray that God will supply all of our PIM needs.
I thank you all for your constant prayers. We can certainly feel them!
Love you all,
Hope you had a great week! We are in West Virgina. We will head to Pennsylvania tomorrow. YAY!!! I am so excited! If you do not know Pennsylvania houses one of the largest Amish communities in the USA. It is not the largest though. I think the largest happens to be in Ohio. I could be wrong though.
We will be in Pennsylvania for a week then we head to New Brunswick, Canada. We only have about 4 weeks of DEP left. I just can't believe it. The Lord has certainly blessed us with a good deputation.
While we are in Pennsylvania it is a good possibility that we will not have Internet service. So, I may not be able to post for a while. But, rest assured that if we do not have Internet, when we get it, I will certainly post pics of the Amish!
I hope you all continue to have a great week!!! Please be in prayer for my Aunt Kim. She is due to have her baby soon and she is on strict bed rest. As, most of you know they got a lot of Gustav. They are still trying to recover from this. Also, be in prayer for my Aunt Theresa. She has cancer and needs a miracle from God. WE KNOW HE CAN PERFORM! And please be in prayer for this last leg of DEP. Pray that God will supply all of our PIM needs.
I thank you all for your constant prayers. We can certainly feel them!
Love you all,
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