
5 Month Mark....

Today I was writing a comment to someone about the fact that we have been here 5 months already. It has flown by soooo fast! We have had such a great time! I think back to the first night we arrived. It was mixed with emotions of excitement, joy, happiness, and overwhelment. Now, thinking back it has been the best five months ever! There is just contentment in knowing you are in the will of God. Where he has called you. I am soooo happy to be here. As, I sit and type I just cannot truly express how I feel. I have come to realize that Africa is the BEST place in the world!!!! The people, the land, everything!!!!

What more can I say? Except, "Thank you Lord, that you have called us here!! You have given me such a wonderful life!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!"

That's just my thoughts tonight....
Love you all,


Catching up....

Whew....These days fly by soooo fast! I cannot believe it is already Friday!!!

Well, let me see what has been keeping me away from blogging land.....We were only suppose to have a one week vacation from French school. We went back on the 14 I think and as we were walking in the door I turned to Jaydie and said "Wouldn't it be nice if they would come and tell us we had another week off!" Not 5 seconds later here comes the director with his hands spread out like he wasn't going to let us go to our classroom. He says "I am sorry but, we are still having seminars for the teachers. School will resume next week." Jaydie and I looked at each other and bust out laughing.

So, after two weeks off, we went back to school last Monday. We have had school for a week and we get Monday and Friday off for holidays....So, needless to say we are having an abundance of holidays...hehe I have another confession to make.....I have become a face book JUNKIE!!!! That has also kept me away from my beloved blog and, reading yours as well. For this I am truly sorry my dear friends! I will try to do better!

We had a good Easter. We had a revival Easter weekend. 3 adult received the Holy Ghost and 1 child was refilled! Had a great time at Bro. Boko's!!!

Hope you all have had a great last couple of weeks!!!

Love you all,


Market day....

Today Jaydie and I went to the market....Shoe market....We had a blast. It wasn't too hot because it rained last night....The only thing was there were mud puddles everywhere. We had mud all over our feet and legs by the time we left.

I found out today that I am beautiful because I am pure white not yellow. I am white from head to toe....Some weird man came up and told me to stay out of the sun....hehe Well, between you and me we won't tell him we are going to the beach tomorrow....hehe

We then came home and Jaydie, Mom, Dad, and I all rode motos to the Adam's house. We looked like a white parade going down the street. It was funny. That was moms first moto ride here. She said she enjoyed it but, she wouldn't want to do it everyday. I love moto rides and, yes! I would ride everyday!!!! hehe

Well, that's the days happenings.

Hope you all had a good day...Right now Jaydie and I are chillin listening to IBC's Music fest....AWESOME!!!!

Love ya,


The danger of living WITHOUT a King....

I was catching up on my Bible reading last night. I was reading in Judges 16-18 and something kept jumping out at me. It would say at the end of every chapter "In those days there was no King in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes." It says this a couple of times. And over and over the same saying kept poping into my head "The Danger of Living Without a King."

I looked up the meaning of king. One of the meanings was this...
(A matter of paramount importance.)
( Paramount: Supreme )

In the history of Isreal you read of the kings David, Saul, ect. You read of how Israel followed that king. Yes, the king wasn't always Godly but, they followed him. They weren't going by their own ideas, their own wickedness. When you read in the Bible you see that when there was a Godly king, Israel was Godly, when there was an "wordly" shall I say king, Israel was "wordly." They always followed their king. The king either brought peace or he brought harm and war. The king wether good or bad RULED the people he made Israel what it was going to be in the time era of his reign.

When the people did not have a king they were no longer unified. They each had their own ideas and their own ways. Israel was a crazy place. That's where the danger is...When they had a king weather good or bad they were unified they were all of "One mind and One accord." When they didn't have a king they were fighting amongst themselves.

Is this what is happening in our country, churches even today. Are we losing sight of WHO our KING is? We have to have a king we have to worship something. What would happen if the people in our churches got into one mind one accord under one king? We would break down hells doors we would shatter every strong hold. Are we in Danger of living without a King?

When Jesus created us, He created us to have a place inside our hearts that only THE KING could fill. We have to be careful not try to ignore or give this place to something else...

We are all in danger of living without a king..But, if we have a personal realationship with THE KING then this danger isn't so prominant.

I hope that what spoke to me speaks to you tonight.


Hello SPRING BREAK......

YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! Spring break is finally here...A week of no school! YES!! Exciting! I know that my last couple of post haven't been very positive....LOL SO, now I am being positive!

I want to give a saying that my professor at school says all the time......Today is Today....Makes since....Yes, of course...Today isn't tomorrow today it today!!! HURRAY!!!!!!!! LOL

I also want to officially welcome my cousin Cammie to the wonderful world of blog land.....WELCOME GIRL!

I am getting my hair micro-braided tomorrow... I will post pics....I have never had this done before so we will see. LOL

Ok it is 5 o'clock and I have to go prepare for my Sunday School lesson tonight...On Thursday nights we have missionary Bible study and Jaydie and I teach Sunday School....My turn so, I had better get after it....Love you all,

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