
Teaching Sunday School...

I taught Sunday school to the African children for the first time 2 Sundays ago. I was quite nervous because I wasn't sure I would relate well to them but, God came through and He helped me! I taught on Jesus Power and how the Holy Ghost which is Jesus power, is more powerful than anything else! I told the story of Cornelius and how he knew there was a power but, he wasn't sure what power. I brought out the point that even though he was a Gentile it wasn't Jesus who didn't want him to have the power. It was the Jews. Jesus never said he couldn’t have the HG! I said that, even though they are children that they can have the power also! I talked about how Jesus said suffer the children to come unto me. I brought my Friend Kofi with me. He is in the picture.

I really had a great time teaching! I loved the look on their faces when Kofi came out. This is what carrying His light all is about! No one got the HG but, the seed was planted that, they can have it if they desire it. Jesus didn't just die for the big people but, He died for the small people too! Thank you Jesus!!!!

They have a saying that the children say at various times in the service. They say it in dialect. The Sunday I taught the SS teacher told me what they say.
It goes something like this “Jesus friend of children" a line I can't remember then they say "when you come into the sanctuary. SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" I laughed when she told me that! LOL


Grey Hair, letters, and labels!!!!!

What do grey hairs, letters, and labels all have in common???? ME! I have recently realized that at 16 yrs old I have grey hair. How depressing is that? LOL Sad to say but, they are there!

Labels…..Well I just spent about 45 mins organizing all of my sheet music into alphabetical order. I also made homemade labels for them as well. Why you might ask…why did I do this crazy thing.....Well, it's simple....I have a problem. I cannot live without organization! I feel incomplete when things are not organized. It is so bad that I have to keep myself from trying to organize others. Why? I have no idea why, where, how, or who this need comes from. But, sometimes it drives me batty! LOL Most teenagers when they are bored talk on the phone, watch movies, or other things.....I…. well, I organize. But, I guess thats enough about my organization.

Now to letters....well you see I have a dear friend who has asked and asked that I write her a letter. Not so hard right? Wrong! I hate to write!!! I can't even make myself keep a journal because I hate to write! That is really funny because, I am always talking to myself and could have written ten fictional books by now. But, again I hate to write! On the other hand I love this BlogSpot and, I don't know why. Anyways so, today when I was organizing I found some really pretty stationary that a lady gave me one time. Only problem, I only had one piece. So, I made copies. The stationary is black and white with music symbols on it. So, now I am going to make myself write poor Kalin a letter!

So, to sum up my ramblings.....Well, there is no point! They are just my ramblings!!! LOL Hope you all enjoy my faithful blog readers!!!

Love to all,

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