Hey Guys,
Today we stopped at headquarters. We got our mail packet. Inside were the dvd's from Bott 2008. I watched the dvd's of Wayne Huntley, Steve willoby, and Marrel Cornwell. ( not sure I got those names spelled right ) Let me tell you if you weren't able to go. You need to get those dvd's they are so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
On another note. We are on our way to Wisconsin. We have 4 services for 1 week. We had to travel from Texas. 1100 mile trip. Talk about car lagged! Yeah!!! We are on our 2nd day of travel. Well, I have no new or exciting news. Oh and to Sis Cylinda and Aunt Vickie I went back and changed moms name. lol Okay I am gonna go. Love you guys, Piano Player
We are crazy!!!
Hey guys,
Some days we are so out of it. Kinda let loose. When we do look out!!!!! Hope you enjoy the crazy picts.lol
Ok we are in church one day right. Well the song leader is leading into Sweet by and by when the morning comes. The person sitting behind us never sings ok. Through the first verse the person, ( we are going to call this person J) never says one word. Right before the chorus everyone else is taking a breath so we can sing the chorus. Well, J sings out well well well. Now imagine this ok you are singing the sweet by and by when the morning come, and right before the chorus someone goes well well well. If you don't find this funny try it. Right before the chorus go well well well. My mom and I wouldn't look at each other cause we knew if we would have we would have cracked our sides.lol
I hope yall are doin ok.
Love ya's muches,
Piano Player
Some days we are so out of it. Kinda let loose. When we do look out!!!!! Hope you enjoy the crazy picts.lol
Ok we are in church one day right. Well the song leader is leading into Sweet by and by when the morning comes. The person sitting behind us never sings ok. Through the first verse the person, ( we are going to call this person J) never says one word. Right before the chorus everyone else is taking a breath so we can sing the chorus. Well, J sings out well well well. Now imagine this ok you are singing the sweet by and by when the morning come, and right before the chorus someone goes well well well. If you don't find this funny try it. Right before the chorus go well well well. My mom and I wouldn't look at each other cause we knew if we would have we would have cracked our sides.lol
I hope yall are doin ok.
Love ya's muches,
Piano Player
Hey guys,
My mom was talking with someone who was struggling with the guilt of sin in their life the other day. She said you know the Lord kept Judas with him right up until the end. The very one who betrayed Jesus. He kept him close and he loved him. You know I believe that at any time during the time between when Judas first talked to the Pharisees and when Jesus died, if Judas would have ask for forgiveness, Jesus would have given it to him. The very worst kind of sin, betraying the Son of God, and I don't think Jesus would have hesitated one moment to forgive him. So how much more would he forgive us.
I have been dealing with guilt lately. Now before you go assuming....I really haven't done anything you would call "earth shattering". To me it was bad and I have let the devil beat me up about it. You know what? tonight I have had enough. I went to the mercy seat and said Lord this is what I have done. Please forgive me. You know what? He did. The problem was that I wouldn't forgive myself. I had to tonight. It feels good. no worries. So I say if you are dealing with guilt and depression, let it go. Know that the All Mighty loves you and has forgiven you. I just realized this all started when I let the devil tell me a little lie.lol
To think, I had the power all along over the enemy. It's through Jesus Christ. Well I am gonna go enjoy my peace. Hope you find peace, too.
Love you guys,
Piano Player
My mom was talking with someone who was struggling with the guilt of sin in their life the other day. She said you know the Lord kept Judas with him right up until the end. The very one who betrayed Jesus. He kept him close and he loved him. You know I believe that at any time during the time between when Judas first talked to the Pharisees and when Jesus died, if Judas would have ask for forgiveness, Jesus would have given it to him. The very worst kind of sin, betraying the Son of God, and I don't think Jesus would have hesitated one moment to forgive him. So how much more would he forgive us.
I have been dealing with guilt lately. Now before you go assuming....I really haven't done anything you would call "earth shattering". To me it was bad and I have let the devil beat me up about it. You know what? tonight I have had enough. I went to the mercy seat and said Lord this is what I have done. Please forgive me. You know what? He did. The problem was that I wouldn't forgive myself. I had to tonight. It feels good. no worries. So I say if you are dealing with guilt and depression, let it go. Know that the All Mighty loves you and has forgiven you. I just realized this all started when I let the devil tell me a little lie.lol
To think, I had the power all along over the enemy. It's through Jesus Christ. Well I am gonna go enjoy my peace. Hope you find peace, too.
Love you guys,
Piano Player
Just another thought.....
There is a song by Casting Crowns, titled While you were sleeping. Here it goes....
Oh little town of Bethlehem, looks like another silent night
above your deep and dreamless sleep a giant star lights up the sky
and while your lying in the dark there shines an everlasting light
for the king has left his throne and hes lying in a manger tonight...
Oh Bethlehem what have you missed while you were sleeping
for God became a man and stepped into your world today
oh Bethlehem will you go down in history
as a city with no room for it's king
while you were sleeping
while you were sleeping
Oh little town of Jerusalem
looks like another silent night
the father gave his only son
the way the truth the life had come
but there was no room for him in the world he came to save
And the chorus continues and then it says.........
United States of America
looks like another silent night
as we are sung to sleep by philosophies
that save the trees ans kill the children
and while we are lying in the dark
there's a shout heard across the eastern sky
for the bridegroom has returned
and has carried his bride away in the night
America what will we miss while we are sleeping
will Jesus come again
and leave us slumbering were we lay
America will we go down in history
as a nation with no room for it's king
while we were sleeping
You might need your Bible for this.
Okay. Here are my thoughts.
In Luke 22:45 the disciples were in the garden of Gethsemane. At one of the most important most critical time in the whole life of Jesus. THEY WERE ASLEEP!!! Can you believe that? Their they were, with a chance to pray with the Lord Jesus himself, and they were asleep????? I mean we say, "well if that would have been me I would not have been sleeping." You know what? This is another very important critical time and are we sleeping. Is the church like the disciples in Gethsemane? Asleep! You read in Matthew were Jesus is telling Peter that he will deny Jesus 3 times. Have you ever realized that in the garden Jesus spoke to Peter first? In Matthew 26:40, Jesus comes the first time and speaks directly to Peter. You know if Peter would have prayed with the Lord that night he might not have sinned against Jesus... So my question, or challenge, if you will, is, "Are you going to sleep on?"
Thanks for your time. Hope this inspires you.
Love you guys,
Piano Player
Oh little town of Bethlehem, looks like another silent night
above your deep and dreamless sleep a giant star lights up the sky
and while your lying in the dark there shines an everlasting light
for the king has left his throne and hes lying in a manger tonight...
Oh Bethlehem what have you missed while you were sleeping
for God became a man and stepped into your world today
oh Bethlehem will you go down in history
as a city with no room for it's king
while you were sleeping
while you were sleeping
Oh little town of Jerusalem
looks like another silent night
the father gave his only son
the way the truth the life had come
but there was no room for him in the world he came to save
And the chorus continues and then it says.........
United States of America
looks like another silent night
as we are sung to sleep by philosophies
that save the trees ans kill the children
and while we are lying in the dark
there's a shout heard across the eastern sky
for the bridegroom has returned
and has carried his bride away in the night
America what will we miss while we are sleeping
will Jesus come again
and leave us slumbering were we lay
America will we go down in history
as a nation with no room for it's king
while we were sleeping
You might need your Bible for this.
Okay. Here are my thoughts.
In Luke 22:45 the disciples were in the garden of Gethsemane. At one of the most important most critical time in the whole life of Jesus. THEY WERE ASLEEP!!! Can you believe that? Their they were, with a chance to pray with the Lord Jesus himself, and they were asleep????? I mean we say, "well if that would have been me I would not have been sleeping." You know what? This is another very important critical time and are we sleeping. Is the church like the disciples in Gethsemane? Asleep! You read in Matthew were Jesus is telling Peter that he will deny Jesus 3 times. Have you ever realized that in the garden Jesus spoke to Peter first? In Matthew 26:40, Jesus comes the first time and speaks directly to Peter. You know if Peter would have prayed with the Lord that night he might not have sinned against Jesus... So my question, or challenge, if you will, is, "Are you going to sleep on?"
Thanks for your time. Hope this inspires you.
Love you guys,
Piano Player
My Little devotion!!!
I wrote this back in August. The class I was in at School of Missions everyone was going to have to give a devotion. I never got to read myne. We had to leave before I got a chance. i thought I would share with everyone. You might need a Bible for my little devotion. Hope it inspires you. Love Ya Muches!!!!!!
Read: Esther 4:10-11/13
Everyone knows the story of Esther and how Mordecai would not bow down to Haman and so he tricked the king into signing the decree to kill all the Jews. This is when Mordecai told Hathach to go and tell Esther that she had to go to the king and plead for the Jews lives. 4:10-11 When Mordecai told Hathach to go and relay the massage to Esther. Esther gave Mordecai all the reasons why she could not go to the king. Sometimes instead of doing what God ask we give him all the reasons why we can’t or don’t want to do what he ask. 4:13 Mordecai had to remind Esther that even though she lived in the palace that the decree still affected her. Sometimes God had to remind us that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord, and if we do what he ask in the present it will help us out in the future. So my point is when God ask you to do something don’t give him reasons why you can’t or don’t want to just do it and in the future you will find that it helps you to.
Read: Esther 4:10-11/13
Everyone knows the story of Esther and how Mordecai would not bow down to Haman and so he tricked the king into signing the decree to kill all the Jews. This is when Mordecai told Hathach to go and tell Esther that she had to go to the king and plead for the Jews lives. 4:10-11 When Mordecai told Hathach to go and relay the massage to Esther. Esther gave Mordecai all the reasons why she could not go to the king. Sometimes instead of doing what God ask we give him all the reasons why we can’t or don’t want to do what he ask. 4:13 Mordecai had to remind Esther that even though she lived in the palace that the decree still affected her. Sometimes God had to remind us that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord, and if we do what he ask in the present it will help us out in the future. So my point is when God ask you to do something don’t give him reasons why you can’t or don’t want to just do it and in the future you will find that it helps you to.
Read: Esther 4:10-11/13
Everyone knows the story of Esther and how Mordecai would not bow down to Haman and so he tricked the king into signing the decree to kill all the Jews. This is when Mordecai told Hathach to go and tell Esther that she had to go to the king and plead for the Jews lives. 4:10-11 When Mordecai told Hathach to go and relay the massage to Esther. Esther gave Mordecai all the reasons why she could not go to the king. Sometimes instead of doing what God ask we give him all the reasons why we can’t or don’t want to do what he ask. 4:13 Mordecai had to remind Esther that even though she lived in the palace that the decree still affected her. Sometimes God had to remind us that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord, and if we do what he ask in the present it will help us out in the future. So my point is when God ask you to do something don’t give him reasons why you can’t or don’t want to just do it and in the future you will find that it helps you to.
Read: Esther 4:10-11/13
Everyone knows the story of Esther and how Mordecai would not bow down to Haman and so he tricked the king into signing the decree to kill all the Jews. This is when Mordecai told Hathach to go and tell Esther that she had to go to the king and plead for the Jews lives. 4:10-11 When Mordecai told Hathach to go and relay the massage to Esther. Esther gave Mordecai all the reasons why she could not go to the king. Sometimes instead of doing what God ask we give him all the reasons why we can’t or don’t want to do what he ask. 4:13 Mordecai had to remind Esther that even though she lived in the palace that the decree still affected her. Sometimes God had to remind us that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord, and if we do what he ask in the present it will help us out in the future. So my point is when God ask you to do something don’t give him reasons why you can’t or don’t want to just do it and in the future you will find that it helps you to.
Hello Hello!!!

Hey guys just wanted to give ya a little update. We are in Comanche, Texas. We had 2 services last Sunday raised about 600 for language. ( Praise God) Every one is doing great. I have no exciting news. I do want to correct my self and apologize. In the tornado I don't think anyone got killed. I am sorry I got my info wrong. I am not sure where we are going tomorrow. I hope everyone is doing good. I will chat with ya later. Love you guys, Piano Player

Hey guys,
I am sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been in Bogalusa for the past two weeks. I went to get my new proscription for my contacts. While I was there a couple of things happened. My cousin had to have surgery. She is doing fine now. My great grandpa passed away. I was glad I was there for my nannie. Bogalusa first Church had there prophesy conference. I didn't go but, I heard it was awsome 6 got the Holy Ghost and 6 were baptized. So needless to say it was a busy 2 weeks. Mom and dad came in on the 2nd week. We weren't supposed to stay but, one day. We stayed for the funeral. We are in Texas for the next 2 weeks. Tonight we are staying in Lyndell. We have 2 services on Sunday. We are looking forward to them both. The place we are going Sunday night just had a bad tornado and 5 were killed. I am not sure if they were connected to the church or not but, please pray for their families. Hope everything is going well for everyone. Love to all.
Piano Player
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