
We are crazy!!!

Hey guys,

Some days we are so out of it. Kinda let loose. When we do look out!!!!! Hope you enjoy the crazy picts.lol

Ok we are in church one day right. Well the song leader is leading into Sweet by and by when the morning comes. The person sitting behind us never sings ok. Through the first verse the person, ( we are going to call this person J) never says one word. Right before the chorus everyone else is taking a breath so we can sing the chorus. Well, J sings out well well well. Now imagine this ok you are singing the sweet by and by when the morning come, and right before the chorus someone goes well well well. If you don't find this funny try it. Right before the chorus go well well well. My mom and I wouldn't look at each other cause we knew if we would have we would have cracked our sides.lol

I hope yall are doin ok.

Love ya's muches,

Piano Player

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