Casting Crowns has a song call "The Voice of Truth." ( you guys are gonna think I only listen to Casting Crowns ) Here's the chorus.........
The voice of truth tells me a different story,
The voice of truth says do not be afraid.
The voice of says THIS IS FOR MY GLORY.
Out of all the voices calling out to me.
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.
Can anyone tell what line I like the best?
I often wonder why we are having to wait 4 years to go back. Why does my dad have to go through so much pain. ( He is MMMUUUCCCHHH better thank you for your prayers. )
Why do we have to go through what we what we go through. Why do we fight what we fight.
But, the voice of truth says this is for my glory.
You know we hear all the time God's on your side. He won't put on you more than you can bear.
He loves you. He's on your side. But, it's when you hear songs like this you know they aren't just words they are true.
So I challenge you if you or someone you know is going through something. Be encouraged GOD IS!!! ON YOUR SIDE. The voice of truth says do not be afraid!!!
I pray God blesses you all.
Love ya,
Piano Player
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