
Think Again!

I HATE "LOVE BUG" SEASON!!!! If you don't know what a 'love bug' is,765 it's a little black fly thing with and orange dot in the middle of it's wings. In Louisiana they come around August, I think. They swarm you when you go outside. They find ways into a house that you never thought possible. They STINK to high heavens! They stick to the front of your car so bad that you can hardly get them off!!!! I HATE "LOVE BUGS." You are probably thinking "Ok Hannah, you are in Africa. They don't have lovebugs." Well, you would be correct, they don't. SO, I thought I was through with the swarming bugs. THINK AGAIN!!! Tonight I was introduced to the weirdest bug ever!!! It marks the end of the Dry season and the beginning of the Rainy season. I HATE THESE BUGS!!! They swarm around your face. They get into your house. They make me scream!!! UGH!!!

I LOVE AFRICA AND THE RAINY SEASON BUT,I HATE THESE BUGS!!!! So, I ask our guard "How long will they stay?" His response "I DON'T KNOW." So, we don't know when they will leave!! UGH!!

Okay, now for a good report. 3 were filled with the HOLY GHOST and 9 were healed today at church!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pray that I don't go insane with these stupid bugs!! LOL I am sure that I am making it 10 times worse than it is but, come on! LOL

Love ya,


I shoulda stayed in bed today!

Have you ever had one of those days where you knew when you woke up that it would probably be better to stay in bed? Today was one of those days. I was tired and just wanted to sleep. But, as usual I got up at 7 to ready myself for school. I wore one of my African dresses today.

So, here I am sitting in class fighting sleep. My eyes are literally rolling. Yeah, it was bad. All if the sudden I feel something very cool on my back. I reach behind me and my zipper which runs all the way down my back is broken. Now, that wouldn't be so bad if there weren't 20 other students half of whom are men in the class. I am sitting in the very front! We get a 30 min break at 10 am. It was like 30 minutes before 10. So, I sink as low as I can in my chair. Well the girl sitting beside me starts trying to fix it. I guess the teacher whom is male and is oblivious to the happenings thought I was getting really enthusiastic about what he is teaching walks right over to ask me a question about what he was teaching. I wanted to say can't you see I am kinda busy here! Well, the time passes and they get the zipper fixed but, it was really embarrassing!!!!

So yeah, Hannah shoulda stayed in bed today! LOL

Hope you enjoyed my little story.
Love ya,


My Personality Type???

I heard about this website where you go and get your personality tested. It's actually quite fun and easy!!! You take a 40 question quiz then they give you what they think your personality is. So, here's mine:

The Giver

You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and you usually succeed.
Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.
Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.
You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine.

In love, you are very protective and supporting.
However, you do need to "feel special" - and it's quite easy for you to get jealous.

At work, you are a natural leader. You can help people discover their greatest potential.
You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist.

How you see yourself: Trusting, idealistic, and expressive

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Bossy, inappropriate, and loud

So, does this sound like me?

Here's the sight if you would like to be tested.


I think mine fits ALMOST perfect.

Hope you enjoy!
Love ya,


Clueless Yovo's ( White folk)

These instuctions came with a carpet sweeper that we got today. Please note that these instructions do not have typo errors in them. They actually say this on the real paper.

1. Do not use the appliance if you are a children or a deformity without any guardian nearby. ( My personal favorite! )

2. Do not switch on the appliance without any person nearby. ( Wonder why. What's it going to do eat you? LOL )

3.Do not fish for the appliance with your hand directly if it drops into the water. Remove the plug first. ( Really, I didn't know that! )

4. Do not use the appliance when there are some abnormal status happened such as emitting smoke or strange smell ect. And send the appliance to service center after remove the charge plug.

5. Do not use charger with the extension cord. Plug charger directly into and eletrical outlet. Use charger only in standard electrical outlet.

6. Before cleaning or maintaining the appliance, the plug must be removed from the socket outlet. ( Wonder why? )

7. Plug the charge plug into jack tightly and fit well.

8. Do not use the appliance near the tinder. ( What's that? )

9. Do not rebuild the appliance with yourself. Do not open the appliance with unproffesional technician. Send it to the service center for mending. ( No, don't do it with yourself! Have someone else there. )

10. Do not use the damaged adaptor cord, charge the plug and the unfit jack. ( iF it's damaged does it still work. And what is an unfit jack. )

11. Use only on dry and indoor surface. Do not use the appliance on the wet ground. Also do not spout the water on the main body. ( Good to know! )

12. Do not pick up abything that is burning or smoking, such as cigarettes, matches or hot ashes. Also do not use to pick up flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline. ( What can I say to that? )

13. Do not remove the charge plug with your wet hand. ( DAH!!! )

14. Do not abuse, damage or crush the charger chord. ( I remember now, that's why I paid good money for it!!! )

15. Never carry the charger or base by the cord or yank it discinnect from an outlet, instead grasp the charger and pull to disconnect.

16. Remove the charge plug when the appliance is not in use.

17. Do not run the appliance with the air intake blocked.

18. Keep appliance away from heated source.

19. A hazard may occur if the appliance runs over the adapter cord. ( Oh Me, Oh My. )

This is really what the paper says I promise!!!! Very Very through. LOL Hoped you enjoyed these instructions. I think this may be an "In Africa only thing!"

Love ya ,


Acts 2:38 wins again...

You probably think this is going to be a real spiritual blog, don't you? Well, NO. This story involves a police officer, my dad, our car, an Acts 2:38 track, and a lady named Sister Jaydie. Now think about this combination for a minute. Make your own assumtions as to what I am fixin' to talk about..............

Ok. So, here it goes...

Today we got out of school early. So, we were going to go do our meat shopping. Yes, we meat shop! LOL So, we are on our way. Just going along. And all of a sudden this police officer starts blowing his whistle and telling us to pull over. So, of course that's what we do. He speaks no English. We speak little French. Finally, we realize that he is saying that we ran a red light. Get this. It wasn't even RED!!!! So, after about 20 mins he walks over and proceeds to tell us that he is going to charge us 10,000cfa which is about $20 bucks for running a red light. Now, in America you would dance for them only to charge you that much. But, here that's way too much!!!

So, we get on the phone and call our guard who speaks English/French. He doesn't really help. We are about to take the ticket when they ask us why we are here in Togo. So, we try to tell them we are Missionaries. But, they don't really understand. Sis Jaydie ( the AIMer ) just happens to have an Acts 2:38 track with her. So, we give it to the officer. Then he changes his mind and dosen't even give us the ticket. He says "Ok, thank you. Bye Bye." So, we get out of there as fast as we can!!!

Acts 2:38 wins again. With Jesus and Jaydie you can't go wrong!

Love ya,

My Blogs..........