
I shoulda stayed in bed today!

Have you ever had one of those days where you knew when you woke up that it would probably be better to stay in bed? Today was one of those days. I was tired and just wanted to sleep. But, as usual I got up at 7 to ready myself for school. I wore one of my African dresses today.

So, here I am sitting in class fighting sleep. My eyes are literally rolling. Yeah, it was bad. All if the sudden I feel something very cool on my back. I reach behind me and my zipper which runs all the way down my back is broken. Now, that wouldn't be so bad if there weren't 20 other students half of whom are men in the class. I am sitting in the very front! We get a 30 min break at 10 am. It was like 30 minutes before 10. So, I sink as low as I can in my chair. Well the girl sitting beside me starts trying to fix it. I guess the teacher whom is male and is oblivious to the happenings thought I was getting really enthusiastic about what he is teaching walks right over to ask me a question about what he was teaching. I wanted to say can't you see I am kinda busy here! Well, the time passes and they get the zipper fixed but, it was really embarrassing!!!!

So yeah, Hannah shoulda stayed in bed today! LOL

Hope you enjoyed my little story.
Love ya,


Danan said...

I was there, my dear. And I thought you handled it with all the "grace" possible. Although, I did think it was funny when Prof. Yovo walked up and starting drilling you while Margarette was working on your zipper...apparently, he thought you girls were playing around and not listening to his lessons....C'est la vie! Quelle chance! A Demain est a bonne jour. (Such is life! What luck! Tomorrow is a better day!)


Cylinda Nickel said...

Oh girl- I so get you on that one....I broke a zipper at a conference one time on a skirt- HORRIBLE feeling-

Glad you made it through the day- you are so awesome!


ShirleyMc said...

It is funny to read about it, but I can imagine it wasn't funny at the time - but I am sure you handled it well. I have had days that I thought would have been more productive had I stayed in bed, too!

Dee said...

Just another "day in the life!" (Well, that's easy for me to say because it wasn't my turn to have one of those moments.)

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