Well after 15 months we are finally on the last ten weeks of this dep trail. It has been a trip. We have met some awesome people, been to some wonderful churches, seen some beautiful sights. But, we have also met some interesting people,been to some different churches, and have seen some unmentionable sights. I am thankful for the good times and bad. We are experiencing things that will equipe us for our future in the ministry. ( Hannah, Thad, and Micah that is. )
As I think back over the last few months things that at the time seemed horrible now seem hilarious. I am sad and excited to be nearing the end. I know that as this adventure ends another one is slowly unfolding. I still have a hard time believing that at the end of this year we will be boarding a plane that is Africa bound. I am so excited. I hope to be able to work with the children and maybe a little bit of music ministry.
I think that I have gotten out of focus of my ministry these past few months. Maybe because I have gotten into the same ole same ole routine. I am getting back into focus as I regain my passion for the African children. I do have to give credit where credit is do. I read Timo Simoneaux's blog and it pricked my heart, as i realized I had let my passion slip. Thanks Timo for reminding me what God has called me to do.
Well it's almost over. Thanks for stopping by and read my babbles.lol
Love Ya, Hannah
Your "babbles" are always interesting to me, Hannah! I love the pictures. Can't wait to see y'all soon!
Thanks Aunt Shirley!!! I am thankful that I am not boring to everyone.lol Can't wait to see yall soon too. Love Ya, HB
Your 'babblings' are fun to me. You are such a sweet blessing from the Lord. I'm so blessed to be your Mom!!!
Will y'all be able to blog from Africa? I surely hope so!
I am prety sure we will be able to blog from Africa.
Count me in with the number of those who enjoy your babbles. Please don't ever stop.
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