Well, first of all I want to make it known that I was the first ( before mom ) to get this on my blog!!!! Yeah!!!
For a while Micah has declared that he has half the Holy Ghost. We have tried and tried to explain to him Micah you either have it or you don't there's no in between.lol He has always said "no I have half the Holy Ghost". So at the beginning of this year God gave mom the promise that this year Micah was going to be filled with the " whole" Holy Ghost.lol
Well, tonight Micah was running the isle and, he felt that Jesus told him he was going to get the Holy Ghost tonight. So he came back and told mom.
Tonight at the alter call he was up praying and mom leaned down to pray with him and he started praying really hard. I was at the piano playing, Thad was on the drums, and Dad was praying for people. Well, when I saw he was getting close I got the piano player to come play, Thad left the drums, and Dad was already there. I just about fell out in the floor and all the sudden Dad lets out this big whoop and he starts jumping around and hooping and hollering. I realized Micah had gotten "it". By the time I got my barrens together and looked up Micah had already stopped speaking in tongues and had this amazed look on his face.
So we all started jumping around praising God. Well, the Pastor gives Micah the mic I am thinking oh Lord he's gonna preach. ( we all know Micah ) He gets up there and says " you all know I got the Holy Ghost for the first time tonight " hands the mic back to the pastor and walks down. I said to him after service " Micah I thought you were gonna preach " he says " Hannah I could barely talk ."lol
I leaned over and told him " Micah you now have the whole Holy Ghost!" So that's our victory report for tonight.
Oh yeah we had 2 great services!
Love Ya,
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