We found out a couple of days ago that we were close to Lambert's. ( Home of the throwed rolls. ) So, for the last couple of days Mom and Dad have wanted to go. After Micah received the Holy Ghost last night, we decided to go to Lambert's and celebrate today. It's only like and hour and 45 mins away. We said no big deal. We can do it, right?????? NOOOOOOOO!!!!
Bro. Spencer ( the Pastor we had a service with last night ) told us an easier, shorter, way to go. Get this, he even gave us a map quest map. Okay.... So, we get in the car today about 11:30 or 12, some time around there. Dad realized he forgot the paper. So, he runs in to get it.....He can't find it. So, we say it's only like a 20or 30 min difference. We'll just go by the GPS. ( Global Positioning System ) So, we get to going and we miss our turn. We are still on an interstate that can get us to Sikeston. So, we stay there. Well, we get to where we are supposed to take a ferry. Well, the ferry doesn't run. Probably because they built a bridge, we later thought. We decided not to ask so we wouldn't feel so stupid. We have to go along the Mississippi River, which cost us like 50 miles. We get to see the Delta Land. YYYYYAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!! ( not ) So, we finally after about 3 hours we get there. We eat. It was good. We get in the car and mom gets out the atlas and finds a really good way to go. And, it works ,right???? ( She thought she was being so smart. ) So, we get to going and the bridge is out. But, the have a detour. No biggy, right??? No, the detour isn't marked. ( The roads that you are supposed to take for the detour I mean. ) So, we end up in the middle of a dead end road in a corn field. ( We decided we were probably in trouble when the crop duster was above us spraying the fields. ) Okay, we are starting to get worried. But, we turn around and go the other way. We end up at a dead end gas station. The good news gas was 2.87. The bad news the station was closed down. So ,then we find an up and running station and go in and ask them how the detour is really supposed to go. They must be really used to this because they have printed up pieces of paper that tell you what to do. They hand them to you when you walk in the door and ask. There was also a man headed to Nashville. So, we followed him till we had to turn off. We finally got home. After being in 4 states, ( Tenn, MO, Ill, Ken ) and going on a trip that was only supposed to take 3 or 4 hours. We rolled into the EQ at 6 in the evening. It took us about 6 or 7 hours to go what should have taken 3 or 4 hours at the most. We didn't even stop to shop.
Needless to say, I am not ready to go eat at Lambert's again for a while! Thank the Lord! We made it though. I honestly wasn't sure if we were going to get home before 11 pm. lol
Hope you all get where your going and back in decent time.lol
Love ya,
Yeah...but didn't we have fun sight-seeing!
Love ya,
Imagine all the places you never would have seen had you asked for directions the first time! And I would like to see a sign of gas for 2.87 - even if the station is closed!
I know if we would have just put the paper in a place where we could have found it.lol We were so upset that we didn't even think to take a pic.OOPS
You are just having way too much "fun," if I may have the liberty of using that word! Seriously, I wish I could be with you. In the meantime, I am living somewhat vicariously through your ups and down. And, the humor is great! In a backward way, my daily bumps in the road of life are seeming flatter. Keep those notes coming...
Oh, my! Then those scenes will just remain in your memory. Maybe you can visit Lambert's in Gulf Shores when you come close to there - without all the detours...
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