

Some of you may remember an older song. I am not sure the name of it. But, part of the chorus says " Long and winding road." Yeah, I know you need more than that. But,
that's all I know. Aunt Neesie you'll remember this one!

Well, I made my own version. Ready? It says.... " Long and winding roads never end!!!!" That's as far as I got. You are wondering what in the world does this have to do with anything? Well, give me a minute and I'll try explain. LOL

WE ARE DONE WITH DEP!!!! I thought about crying at the last service. But, I just couldn't find any tears. I know! I know! Pitiful! Being done means we have to go to Missouri. Which means we had a 26 hour drive from New Brunswick to Missouri. Which now leads to the song. Yesterday we did the bulk of the driving, 19 hrs worth. So, you now know what the song is about!

We thought we would never get here. We went from Woodstock, NB to Columbus, OH. We got up at 5:00 on Sunday morning and didn't get to Columbus till 12:30 AM. I thought we were never going to get there.
Needless to say we finally made it and we all crashed into the bed. Today we only had a 7 hr drive the rest of the way! We finally made it!!!! YAY!!!

NOTE: Please excuse our messy car. This is what it looks like when 5 people live in a car for a year and a half! LOL

Love you all,


Dee said...

Just one more turn and it might be "this old road's end." The next one wll probably a road in the sky on the way to Africa. OOPS...I can't bring myself to go there yet. Instead, I see that road leading right into Louisiana SOON!

Thoughts from my hands. said...

Yes, this roads gonna end soon! It's first stop Louisiana. Second, Togo, Africa!!!!
Just keep saying it and you will get used to it. LOL JK

Thoughts from my hands. said...

Yes, this roads gonna end soon! It's first stop Louisiana. Second, Togo, Africa!!!!
Just keep saying it and you will get used to it. LOL JK

Thoughts from my hands. said...

Yes, this roads gonna end soon! It's first stop Louisiana. Second, Togo, Africa!!!!
Just keep saying it and you will get used to it. LOL JK

Thoughts from my hands. said...

Yes, this roads gonna end soon! It's first stop Louisiana. Second, Togo, Africa!!!!
Just keep saying it and you will get used to it. LOL JK

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