
My Beloved Music Book!!!

Remember,if you're a pianist or anyone who plays another instrument, the first time the desire pops up. The first time you touch a piano. You feel the smoothness of the keys beneath your fingers. The first time you play Mary has a Little Lamb. Then you learn what "CDEFGAB sharp minored flat" means. You think, I can do this.

Then one day you can play, "I don't mind waiting." Then a spurt of depression comes over you. You think I will never be good at all. Then you learn more songs. You hardly ever get to practice. But, you are doing okay. Then, your dad preaches that message and you think, "Aw, that song would be awesome with that." You speak to him and the next thing you know you are playing and singing in church. Wow! a big step. ( shaking the whole time )

You are trying your best and hey it doesn't sound that bad. Then you get where you can actually call yourself good ( barely ). Then, before you know it you get your first music book. ( songs you know how to play ) Wow! what a feeling. You understand this isn't just some notebook with scrible scratch in it. No, this book is going to be the first of many. Books you use you play. You might even translate one or two into French for the CAR youth choir to sing. No, you understand this book will one day have siblings. ( I couldn't think of any other word? lol ) These books will have their own shelf they will be looked to for guidance used over and over again. Kept for years to come.

Now, you might be thinking this girl has up and fallen off her rocker. Let me assure you: no, I haven't. Today I got my very first music book. I am the now proud owner of one of these precious jewels. After years of looking at moms and my Aunt's I now have my very own. Wouldn't you be proud? Sure maybe I am going a little over board but, who cares. I am on my way to do great things for God.
It's ok to laugh this was meant to be funny.lol

To think the whole process only took a year. Amazing isn't it. Not without God's help mind you. I would have never gotten this far without him. I love him so much. LORD I'M AMAZED BY YOU.

Piano Player


From MadagasCAR to the CAR!!!

My parents dream................
...........................My passion!!!!!
Ok I have counted and I think it has been 3 1/2 years since I got on the plane and left ( My World ( Madagascar) ) behind ). Now Aunt Paula Aunt Vicki they are all there. This just isn't fair. Not right at all. I WANT TO GO NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOWWWW. Sometimes I would lay in bed at night and cry. 3 years God three years. My biggest question was why? Why all these years the you have left the CAR without a missionary. What is the purpose what is the deal. Now I have never ask those questions. I know better than to question God.

Now think you leave one awesome place because you are going to another. 31/2 years later you still haven't gotten to the other awesome place. Now I have given you all the depressing news. Now for something great. We have an end of dep date!!!!YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY September 28th 3 years of waiting and I actually have hope of getting back on African soil. I can't believe it. When I get off the plane I am going to be kissing the ground. YYYYYYYaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy.

Aunt Paula Aunt Vicki you guys got your turn. I love ya very much and I am very happy for you guys but, I am going to glory for God in myne.

Piano Player


Lord I'm Amazed By You!!!!

I was singing the song " Lord I'm amazed by you " and I was thinking of all the times He has done something for me. A couple of moments stand out from all the rest. I am going to share.

We were in Madagascar and someone had left the gas stove on. It wasn't lit it was just releasing gas. It had been on long enough to fill the room with gas. When we finally started smelling it I was going to be a "big helper" and find which burner was on. So, I went in and struck a match.

Now, think with me here. A room filled with gas, and a lit match. Can anyone guess what should have happened? If you guessed I should have been blown to bits......YOU WERE RIGHT!!! But, as another song says " God blocked it He wouldn't let it be so " I am still here today. ( Thank you Jesus!!! )

Still another time rings out. We were in Madagascar and I had been battling strep throat for about 6 weeks. Now, in the states I always had an ear infection and or a sore throat. So, when I say I had strep throat it wasn't anything new to me. But, I had been to the French DR. ,had taken 3 rounds of antibiotics. Nothing was working. I could barely eat, or drink. I was as skinny as a rail. One night mom had just gotten supper ready. I was again laying on the couch crying my eyes out. I was in so much pain. Daddy said "that's enough." He said " 6 weeks is long enough " he came and knelt beside the couch and started pleading the blood of Jesus. He soon felt a release so, he got up and started eating. Not 5 min later my throat just stopped hurting. Just like that there was no pain. I was like thank you Jesus ; lets eat. ( remember I haven't been able to eat a descent meal for a long time ) To this day I have never had strep throat again. I went from being a kid who couldn't keep from having it, to one who never has had it to this day. That has been about 3 years ago. How Amazing!!!!

God has done some amazing things in my life. So, I am gonna sing " Lord I'm amazed by you, Lord I'm amazed by you, Lord I'm amazed by you, How you love me. " What has God done in your life? What obstacles has he brought you over, battles he's seen you through. Just take a few minutes and tell him how amazing he is.

Love you guys,

Piano Player


Hey Hey Hey!!!!!!

That's my fish Thad is holding!!!!
Hey Guys,
We have been in Seymour, Indiana for the past 3 weeks. We have had to go to McDonald's to get Internet. ( do I get an amen missionaries? lol ) We have been staying with the Skaggs. They are such wonderful people. I have been fishing and driving golf carts and gators. ( no not alligators ) I think I caught about 10 fish in all. We have had so much fun. It is so beautiful. They are surrounded by a huge lake. They have a fountain in their back yard. They have a deck that looks out on trees and the lake. Oh my it is so Pretty!!!

The Lord really blessed us to be able to stay while Daddy and Thad went to Arkansas. ( catch the under flow on that one MP ) MP stands for missionary people. That's what I am going to start calling y'all us whoever.lol

Anyway they went to Arkansas for a week. We did not.YAYAYAYAYAY

Although we had a great time you all know the song " On the road again".

We are in Illinois. ( not sure how to spell that one) Then we head to Mo. We will be there for 2 weeks then we are headed to Texas.

We are having a great time on dep ( I am smiling big on that one mp's you know what I mean )

We met some MP'S who had only been on dep for three months I just told them to hold on. The Alphin family MP'S to Finland. Very nice people very sweet.

Well, I am going to sign off for now.

Hope everyone is doing great.

Love you guys,

Piano player

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