

Here in West Africa we have a little word that we
use when things aren't going the best. Like the story
I am about to tell. The word is "WAWA."
You might have heard of it before.
It stands for "West Africa Wins Again."
Last night I have used this saying many times.

Mom and I got the idea that we were
going to get the kitchen somewhat organized.
We got everything "put away". Remember our
container has just arrived and we have moved
into a new house. So, all of our dishes are
"put away" as best as they can be for now.
We can see the sink we can see the counters
and the floors. We think we are doing great.
Well, I decide that I am going to clean the
sink and counter. So, here I go I get one side
of the sink cleaned and want to move the facet
to the other side. It won't move. So, Mom comes
and helps and we get it to the other side. Mom says
"Hannah, one of these days that thing is going to break off."
So, I am all happy and smiling we have the kitchen organized
and almost cleaned so, I say "ok". What do you think happened?
I go to move the facet on the other side again and the next think I know I am holding the facet and taking a shower. Yep, it came off
and the water didn't just come out it CAME OUT!!!!
All over my face and clothes. I start hysterically
laughing and screaming for mom at the same time.
She had gone outside to take the garbage out.
You know what she said? She says "turn it off Hannah."
I thought "well I would if I could!" She comes and puts
her hand on it while I go get dad. He was asleep and I
was laughing loudly I think I scared him half to death.
On top of all that we could not find the cut off valve
to the water in the kitchen. So, dad gets a piece of
plastic and a wrench and stuffs it in the water fall.
It remained there until a few hours ago when the plumber
came and put a temporary fix on it until he can fix it totally

Mom and I start mopping up the water on the
floor and dad goes back upstairs.
He comes back down holding my shower head in his hand.
I had hung my "stuff rack"
Above the shower with the little suction cup
thingys that came with it. (The stuff rack is
the thing you usually hang in the shower to hold your stuff.
But, there was nowhere to hang it. It came with
the little suction cup things. So, I used those to hang it.)
He says "Hannah your rack fell and broke the shower head."
Then he jokingly says "Danan you and Hannah need to go to bed!
That's enough damage for one night!" So, we went to bed.

I think we can safely say that we washed the kitchen thoroughly!
LOL So, our first night in the new house started off with a bang.

I hope you enjoyed our amusing story.
I am sure there will be more where that came from!

Good Night,


Dee said...

You guys are having just too much fun! Give your dad a break...LOL!

Luv ya!

ShirleyMc said...

I wish I could have seen that!!!

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