
New Look New Name...

As many of you have already noted, I have a new look. I saw that many other blogging friends had updated their look. So, I decided to jump on board.

The new name comes from a song I have been learning to play. It is by Casting Crowns. It's called "In Me." I love it. It explains why we are here in Africa. Jesus has asked us to carry HIS light in to a foreign land. How can we do anything but except? We can not do it by ourselves. If we came by ourselves what would be the point in coming? So, the new name is my passion. To always carry His light no matter where I go!

I have also deleted my play list. But, I am in the middle of revamping it. So, I hope that the new look, name, and sound helps convay who I am.....who I want to be.

Love ya,


Danan said...

Awesome chick! I love it...

Dee said...

Me, too! Great job, as always~
Aunt Neesey

ShirleyMc said...

I love it! You are wise beyond your age, my Hannah B!

Cylinda Nickel said...

Love the name
Love the look
Love the blogger-



Thoughts from my hands. said...


Love all of you!!!

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