

I just had to blog about this!!! GOD IS SOOOO AWESOME!
There is an elderly couple in my grandparents church. They are 80-90 years of age. ( Not sure exactly. ) The man is in his 90's and has Alzheimer's disease. The lady is in her 80's and has a lung disease. They thought the lady was going to die a few weeks ago and God helped her through. She is on oxygen now.

After lunch on Saturday afternoon the man went as usual to sit on the front porch in his rocking chair. The lady watch him from the window. She must have dozed off and when she woke he was gone. She looked for him but, could not find him. So, she called people to come help. They brought out helicopters and dogs and tons of people to look for him. They live by a gravel pit with lots of water around. In addition to Alzheimer's he also has diabetes. They could not find this man at all. They had heat sencers and everything. He was missing about 24 hrs.

After much prayer they found him!!!! The bigger thing was he was ok. He hadn't had his insulin shots or eaten anything in 24 hrs and he was gonna be alright!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't tell me my God doesn't answer prayer!!!!!

A man they thought was dead. He is home safe and OK!!!!!!!!!!! I am telling you whatever you need God can provide!!!!

I just thought I would share that praise report with you.
Love ya,


ShirleyMc said...

You are so good at writing testimonies - thanks for the inspiring words! Can't wait to see y'all...

Thoughts from my hands. said...

Thanks! Can't wait to see yall either!

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