
Most lessons are learned the hard way!

Micah has his little game boy thing. Now because Micah is the baby of the family, Thad and I try to watch out for him the best we can. We were on our way to the mountains with my Nana, Pop, and Sis Ed. ( Nana's best friend.) We went to eat lunch. Half of us went to Chinese the other half went to Mexican. Micah and I were among the Chinese group. He took his game boy thing. Of course, he left it on the table. So being the good sister I am, I put it in my purse. When we got out to the car he took it back. He and Thad were releasing some energy.( playing around ) He laid his DS on the bumper of the car. We had driven out of the parking lot when he screams " My DS." We went back to look for it and found it crushed in the parking lot. And of course he was very, very, very upset!!!! He cried nonstop and grieved about 40 mins. The sister in me wanted to reach out and hug him and tell him I would get him a new DS game boy thing. I didn't because I figured mom and dad had reasons that they weren't doing the same. So, later I ask mom why she had let him grieve like that. She said "cause Hannah if we hand him everything in life then he'll never learn these important lessons. Being irresponsible with your stuff gets it messed up."

You know, that's probably how God looks at it. We get ourselves in these situations and expect him to bale us out every time. Maybe sometimes he leaves us there a while and lets us learn lessons and gain strength. You know before we go to Africa, Micah will probably have a new DS game boy thing, when he learns his lesson. And you know...Just like God, when we learn our lesson, God's gonna come through. So, keep your trust in Jesus. And remember all good lessons are learned the hard way.

Love ya,


Vicki said...

aww, go buy him a new DS :-) he is just a baby!

ShirleyMc said...

What a preacher you are, Hannah! Now when I am upset because of something that is my fault, I will think of Micah and his game! :)

Thoughts from my hands. said...

Yeah He really needed to learn that lesson. Usually we would go and get him whatever he lost but, he REALLY needed this lesson! LOL
I felt the same way Aunt Vicki!!! LOL

Not a preacher an encouraging writer. Thanks Aunt Shirley!

Love ya,

Paula said...

Jared had to learn this lesson the hard way, too. Fortunately, he learned the lesson here in Mad THEN we went on deputation. Made it the whole deputation without leaving his DS behind. And he takes it everywhere. So hopefully it was a lesson well learned for Micah.

Now -- buy that boy a new one!!! If his Aunt Paula was there, she'd buy him one. :O)

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