
Jesus, am I adopted?

I have been blogging about my youngest brother a lot lately. That's because sometimes he is just too much! LOL!!!

Micah has come out with this new question " Mom, am I adopted?" Now I remember having the same question around his age. But, it didn't take me long to figure out that no, I look too much like both of my parents. Now, if you knew my mom when she was little or have seen any pictures of her. You know that Micah looks almost exactly like her. ( If you wonder where his blond hair comes from, that's where. ) So, lets just set the record straight. No, Micah you aren't adopted! ( Like he is gonna read this! LOL ) They tell him time and time again. But, he is very stubborn! LOL

I can just hear a child like voice asking the Lord, " Jesus, am I adopted?" I can almost hear the master say " No child, you aren't adopted. I paid the price for you long ago. You are a blood bought child of mine!"
It almost makes you want to cry as you think about it. These are perilous times no one really knows what going to happen. People, Jobs, everything is so unstable. It is so nice to know that Jesus our Lord and King is a stable never changing father! And, no matter what happens he is in complete control of everything! We are his true blood children!!

I know that no matter what happens, I want to live my life for him! ( Definitely with his help!!!! ) He deserves all the glory for everything in my life! My singing and playing everything. There is a song by Marvin Sapp titled " Where would I be today?" That is a song that I think we can all sing!!!

Just some ramblings from me for today! LOL

We are home from camping. ( Read my moms blog for more details on that. ) We had a great time! I am glad to be home though! LOL

All my love,

1 comment:

Paula said...


Ain't no way that boy is adopted...he's a clone of his Mama! :O)

That's too funny tho. I can just hear him asking that. Over and over again.

Great way to get a lesson out of it though, Hannah! Love ya!

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