
God's Blessings

Many of you know who Sis Micki Mangun is. If you know of her then you also know she sings, has Cd's everything. I LOVE her music! My favoritest CD I thought I had lost. ( Yes, I know that favoritest really isn't a word. LOL ) The other day as we were going through everything in the Attic, I found it!!! I was so excited!

The big thing was that it was down in a basket without a case over it. I was afraid it was scratched. But, when I put it in the CD player, it played perfectly.

It's the little things that let you know that God still loves you. I can't tell you how many times I have prayed for that CD to pop up. It never did. Then, when I was least expecting it there it was!

So, please enjoy the small things. And remember that they are God gifts from God too.

Love ya,


Dee said...

Which CD was it? Glad you found it.

Finding joy in the small things, Aunt Neese

Thoughts from my hands. said...

I think the name is " Awakening the Dawn." Not sure but, I think.
Love Ya,

ShirleyMc said...

Thanks for the reminder that He does care enough for us to take care of what may seem small to others.

Cylinda Nickel said...

I love when God does things like that- He is so amazing!

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