
Excuse Me, Mam!

Well, my mom says our trip over was uneventful. Not true! As we went through security in Paris, the security guards took my handlotion out of my purse. She looked at me and said "No!" Now, I had already been through two other airport securities. No one took my lotion there. But, for some reason this lady took my lotion. I was griping to Mom about it when we turned around and guess what we saw. They whole security team was putting MY LOTION on their hands and passing it around. I was furious! So, thank you to Aunt Shirley and Aunt Joy for my favorite lotion. But, it was thieved from me!

Now onto a better subject. We had a great first service here in Togo.


ShirleyMc said...

That makes me mad, too!! But at least we have a funny story about your lotion - it never made it to Africa, but blessed people in Paris! I guess they just decide which brand they want to use for the day and take that one from the passengers?? At least Joy and I chose a popular one....

Dee said...

Don't people just "amaze" you sometimes?! You don't want to get me started telling stories, do you??

Love ya! Sorry you "lost" your lotion, but glad that you could be of help in France.

Thoughts from my hands. said...

Yes people are people but, I was only suposed to have 4 ounces of liquid. I didn't relize that. But, it'll be ok I guess. LOL

Thanks for your support on this matter! LOL Just Kidding!
Love ya,

ShirleyMc said...


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