
"Jesus Is the Reason Why I Sing"

Everyone knows that I love to sing. I LOVE TO SING!!!!!!!! I am really into the praise and worship choir music. I really don't like the new contemporary stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but it's just not my style. Maybe it's the pianist in me. I don't know. LOL

Here the the reason why I sing. JESUS JESUS JESUS!!!!! I will be riding down the road and turn on my IBC Cd's and have a jam session in the car! ( IBC= Indiana Bible College ) I sing everyone part whether I can hit it or not. I may be off key, people may be staring at me through their car windows, but there I am, praising my King of Kings!

You see Jesus has given me more than I could ever hope for. A strong stable family, Godly parents, a calling on my life, Joy, peace, love, confidence, talents, and Africa! He has guided me through every storm. He's held my hand when I needed it most. HE LOVES ME!!! And I love him!! I want my heart to be filled with the pure, holy things of him. I know that if He's really in my heart that I'll be OK.

In this day and age of uncertainty one thing is certain, Jesus is Lord of all!!! He'll heal you, bless you, Love you, give you peace that passeth all understanding. HE LOVES YOU!!!!

SO, if you ever wonder "why does that girl sing?" Here's why " Jesus is the reason why I sing. I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free! Jesus is the reason why I sing!"

Love you all. Good night.


Dee said...

I'm glad that He lets me listen in on your music to Him. Love it!

Aunt Neese

ShirleyMc said...

Keep singing, my Hannah B!

Dee said...

Hey, Hannah...

I need ideas for decorating the Church for Christmas!! You were such a blessing to me last year. HELP!!

Even though I'm kidding about you coming up with ideas all the way from Africa, I'm serious about what a great help you have always been. It would be my guess that you're landing in Africa in less than 30 minutes. Praise the Lord!!

Thinking of you~

Love ya...
Aunt Neese

Thoughts from my hands. said...

Thanks Aunt neese!!!

Thoughts from my hands. said...

Thanks Aunt neese!!!

Thoughts from my hands. said...

Thanks Aunt neese!!!

Epistolaonline said...

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