
Your probably going to make me......

I think that it's Micah's age that makes him so funny. Or maybe just his personality. Here is another Micah funny.

Mom and I were busy in the other room and Micah was getting ready to get out the tub. He starts yelling for Mom to come get him a towel. Mom doesn't respond. So, he starts yelling for me to get him a towel. I don't respond. So, he starts trying to get us to do it by telling us the bad things that were going to happen if we didn't. One thing he said was, "If you don't get me a towel, I am going to get water all over the floor and I am not gonna clean it up!" He waits a second and he says "Well you'll probably make me clean it up! But, still." He was talking to himself the whole time. It was soooo funny! He finally got the message that he was either going to have to get his towel or, sit there. So, he got his own towel! LOL When he came in there he said "You didn't get me a towel!" Mom goes " Micah you should have gotten your towel before you got in!" We were trying hard not to laugh. LOL

I hope this little story brightened your day. :)

Love ya,

P.S. I want to make the point that it didn't kill you to get your own towel Micah!!! LOL

1 comment:

ShirleyMc said...

Ahhhh, those lessons of growing up! First the lost game and now the towel...Micah is learning to be so responsible!!! :)

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