
Here I am!

Hey everyone!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We have been very, very busy. We had a great 4 night revival with the Dickson's. You can go to Aunt Denise's blog for some photos of the revival.

I have started Drivers ED classes. That is going well I only have 3 more class room classes. I have a lot more driving to do before I get my permit.

Mom had to go in to the hospital. She had an allergic reaction to her medicine. ( No, her medicine isn't new.) She had to stay in the hospital over night for observation. She, is feeling mush better now! Praise the Lord!!!

Now we are trying to get ready to go to Africa. Time is coming down to the wire. There is soooo much to do! God, is still Good. He has really blessed.

Truth is, I probably won't post a whole lot in the next few weeks. When we get to Africa we will slow down a WHOLE LOT! So, I will catch you all up for the most part then. LOL I will post some and let you know basically what's going on.

Love you all,


ShirleyMc said...

Those driving hours will be WHEN and WHERE?? Anywhere close to Denham?? :)

Thoughts from my hands. said...

No Mam,
They will be here around BOG. I think one day next week.
Love ya,

Paula said...

We're thinking about you guys!! And excited for you.

Love & prayers,
Aunt Paula

Thoughts from my hands. said...

Thank you sooo much for your prayer!!

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