
5 Month Mark....

Today I was writing a comment to someone about the fact that we have been here 5 months already. It has flown by soooo fast! We have had such a great time! I think back to the first night we arrived. It was mixed with emotions of excitement, joy, happiness, and overwhelment. Now, thinking back it has been the best five months ever! There is just contentment in knowing you are in the will of God. Where he has called you. I am soooo happy to be here. As, I sit and type I just cannot truly express how I feel. I have come to realize that Africa is the BEST place in the world!!!! The people, the land, everything!!!!

What more can I say? Except, "Thank you Lord, that you have called us here!! You have given me such a wonderful life!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!"

That's just my thoughts tonight....
Love you all,


ShirleyMc said...

Thanks for sharing those thoughts - makes it easier for us who miss you so much!!

Dee said...

It really is refreshing to know that you have already adjusted to life there. Isn't the Lord good?!

Christopher Brainos said...

I share your feelings, but I must disagree with one thing. I would have to say that FRANCE is the best place in the world!!

Thoughts from my hands. said...

Have you ever been to Africa????? If not then we can argue the best place when you visit Africa....Thank you!

LOL JK I have never been anywhere but, the airport in France.....and, when you don't speak French....WELL! LOL No really I want to visit Paris but, Africa is still the best place ever!

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