
The danger of living WITHOUT a King....

I was catching up on my Bible reading last night. I was reading in Judges 16-18 and something kept jumping out at me. It would say at the end of every chapter "In those days there was no King in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes." It says this a couple of times. And over and over the same saying kept poping into my head "The Danger of Living Without a King."

I looked up the meaning of king. One of the meanings was this...
(A matter of paramount importance.)
( Paramount: Supreme )

In the history of Isreal you read of the kings David, Saul, ect. You read of how Israel followed that king. Yes, the king wasn't always Godly but, they followed him. They weren't going by their own ideas, their own wickedness. When you read in the Bible you see that when there was a Godly king, Israel was Godly, when there was an "wordly" shall I say king, Israel was "wordly." They always followed their king. The king either brought peace or he brought harm and war. The king wether good or bad RULED the people he made Israel what it was going to be in the time era of his reign.

When the people did not have a king they were no longer unified. They each had their own ideas and their own ways. Israel was a crazy place. That's where the danger is...When they had a king weather good or bad they were unified they were all of "One mind and One accord." When they didn't have a king they were fighting amongst themselves.

Is this what is happening in our country, churches even today. Are we losing sight of WHO our KING is? We have to have a king we have to worship something. What would happen if the people in our churches got into one mind one accord under one king? We would break down hells doors we would shatter every strong hold. Are we in Danger of living without a King?

When Jesus created us, He created us to have a place inside our hearts that only THE KING could fill. We have to be careful not try to ignore or give this place to something else...

We are all in danger of living without a king..But, if we have a personal realationship with THE KING then this danger isn't so prominant.

I hope that what spoke to me speaks to you tonight.


ShirleyMc said...

Thanks, Hannah. I don't want to live without the King - but sometimes I am so busy that I don't include Him in my daily life enough...

Dee said...

I agree, Hannah and Sister Shirley...Life can sometimes crowd out moments with our King...I want to focus more on NOT letting that happen.

Dee said...

Hi, Hannah!

I just read a verse in my Bible that made me think of this post you wrote. Here it is...

Thou art my King, O God: command deliverances for Jacob. (Psalm 44:5)

How about that one? I have read the verse before. This time, it held a special meaning for me.

Love ya,
Aunt Neese :-)

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