
Market day....

Today Jaydie and I went to the market....Shoe market....We had a blast. It wasn't too hot because it rained last night....The only thing was there were mud puddles everywhere. We had mud all over our feet and legs by the time we left.

I found out today that I am beautiful because I am pure white not yellow. I am white from head to toe....Some weird man came up and told me to stay out of the sun....hehe Well, between you and me we won't tell him we are going to the beach tomorrow....hehe

We then came home and Jaydie, Mom, Dad, and I all rode motos to the Adam's house. We looked like a white parade going down the street. It was funny. That was moms first moto ride here. She said she enjoyed it but, she wouldn't want to do it everyday. I love moto rides and, yes! I would ride everyday!!!! hehe

Well, that's the days happenings.

Hope you all had a good day...Right now Jaydie and I are chillin listening to IBC's Music fest....AWESOME!!!!

Love ya,


ShirleyMc said...

Okay - what is a moto???

Dee said...

Is Brother Adams home?

Love ya~

Thoughts from my hands. said...

No mam, we were going to barrow there car, because ours was broken....WHOOPS!

Thoughts from my hands. said...

A moto is an abbriviation of a motorcycle.

ShirleyMc said...

I wish I could see your mom on a moto!! Do you rent them, or do you own them?

Danan said...

Motos are what they use for taxi most of the time here. There is always a driver. So, you just pay a small amount, hop on back, and off you go....

What an adventure...see what you have to look forward to!

Neese...Bro. Adam's isn't back yet.

Cylinda Nickel said...

You go girl! I am so proud of you!

Love you-

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